Reference :
FirsT step: create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 application, I recommended to use the basic template.
Next, lets create a new class Client, this class will be the model:
Before create the view, will need to add a Grid.MVC package using Nuget:
Also add Boostrap:
When the Grid.MVC package is installed, you can found some new views in the Views/Shared folder:
In the scripts folder, tree new JavaScript files will be found:
And in the content folder now you see the css file for the Grid:
Next step now is to create a new View for the action Index of the controller Client, like this:
The key parts on the code are:
FirsT step: create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 application, I recommended to use the basic template.
Next, lets create a new class Client, this class will be the model:
public class Client
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
Now that you have the model done, lets create the Client controller.
This controller have only on action, and the data source will be a List,
but here you can connect to a database, the action returns the data:public class ClientController : Controller
private readonly List clients = new List()
new Client { Id = 1, Name = "Julio Avellaneda", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 2, Name = "Juan Torres", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 3, Name = "Oscar Camacho", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 4, Name = "Gina Urrego", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 5, Name = "Nathalia Ramirez", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 6, Name = "Raul Rodriguez", Email = "" },
new Client { Id = 7, Name = "Johana Espitia", Email = "" }
public ActionResult Index()
return View(clients);
Before create the view, will need to add a Grid.MVC package using Nuget:
Also add Boostrap:
When the Grid.MVC package is installed, you can found some new views in the Views/Shared folder:
In the scripts folder, tree new JavaScript files will be found:
And in the content folder now you see the css file for the Grid:
Next step now is to create a new View for the action Index of the controller Client, like this:
@model IEnumerable
@using GridMvc.Html
Layout = null;
viewport" content="width=device-width" />
"@Url.Content("~/Content/Gridmvc.css")" rel="stylesheet" />
"@Url.Content("~/Content/bootstrap.min.css")" rel="stylesheet" />
@Html.Grid(Model).Columns(columns =>
columns.Add(c => c.Id).Titled("Client ID");
columns.Add(c => c.Name).Titled("Name").Filterable(true);
columns.Add(c => c.Email).Titled("Email");
The key parts on the code are:
- Add: @using GridMvc.Html
- Add the references to the css files
- Add the references to the JavaScript files
- Titled: The column title
- Filterable: Define if the column has the feature to be filterable
- Sortable: Define if the column has the feature to be sortable
- WithPaging: Define the number of rows to show for page