music for nothin' and your tracks for free

Search and Download MP3's from the Internet (NOT Peer-2-Peer)
3 X the Search Results of Limewire**
Downloads 5 X Faster than Limewire
Rip Tacks from thousands of Internet Radio Stations
Download Tracks from MySpace* Music
Compile Playlists and embed them, with player, into own pages
Download Tracks Directly onto iPod or MP3-Player
Clickster can be run from a USB Data-Stick
100% Clean - No Adware, Spyware or Malware
100% Legal
PRIVATE - Use of Clickster cannot be detected by ISP's or Recording Industry snoops
Clickster is the essential, three-in-one application for every lover of music. Clickster enables you to easily search for and download mp3 files from the Internet in a totally legal and safe environment. Because Clickster sources mp3's which are hosted on web servers, you can expect download speeds which put P2P networks to shame. With currently over 30 million tracks available to download (and growing), we're certain Clickster will be able to locate the music you really want to listen to and there are no dead/broken links.
